
christa and matt.

If anyone knows me, they know my obsession with Scrabble.  My recent iPhone purchase hasn't helped with this addiction at all.  I'm pretty sure I have fifteen Words with Friends games awaiting me at this very minute.  I talk a lot of smack because it's fun, and now people are starting to catch on that I'm not actually that good. Dangit.

I hold these two close to my heart.  Matt proposed to Christa through a Scrabble game.  Toward the end of the round, Christa reached into the bag and pulled out a ring.  100 points to Matt!  200 to Christa for saying yes!  Honestly, I had so so much with these two on this shoot.  They made me feel so comfortable, and that's why I think I love these pictures so much. Probably also the reason why I posted a billion pictures. :)

I wish you two all the happiness in the world, and lots of L-O-V-E.   (7 points)    Can't wait for your wedding day!


Courtney said...

Oh, I L-O-V-E these! Everything about it- the scrabble theme and sign language... and everything! Beautiful.

Uncle Tom said...

Exciting. You guys look so in love.

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